In 1936,
“The Nakhon Pathom Teacher Training School for girls” was established at the registration chambers building of Monthon Nakhon Chaisri situated at 86 Tesa Road, Tambon Phrapathomchedi, Amphoe Muang, Nakhon Pathom Province, The school was designated to run courses for elementary level teacher training for girls.
In 1960,
it became a comprehensive school and boy ware accepted namely as joint-attendant students or co-students. The “Certificate of Education” and The Rural Teacher Training Project also began in the same year.
In 1968,
the school was renamed “The Nakhon Pathom Teacher Training School”.
In 1969,
the school moved (from the above address) to 85 Malaiman Road (opposite Wat Mai Pinkliaw) and the course upgraded to be based on the elementary level teacher training project.
In 1970,
the school was promoted to Nakhon Pathom Teacher’ College, promulgated on 16 January 1970. The Higher Certificate of Education commenced.
In 1975,
the Teachers’ Colleges began to operate in line with the Teachers’ Colleges Act, 1975. They encountered many changes particularly in their role and structure, which in one way or another paved their way to become more absolute institutes of higher education. For instance, the Fifth Article of the 1975 Act specified that Teachers’ Colleges would, “…become research institutes and legitimately center the Bachelor’s Degree, deliberately promote the instructor / teachers and education personnel’s academic standing, preserve and nurture the arts and cultures, and provide the community with academic services.” Despite the new obligations having been undertaken for merely five years after the enforcement of the Act, Nakhon Pathom Teachers’ College managed to modify many aspects of and perform its numerous roles proficiently.
In 1978,
a two-year Bachelor of Education extension program began for students who had completed the two year diploma or certificate courses. In the second semester of 1978, the first teacher training and in-service teacher training programmes ware also offered.
In 1980,
the four-year Bachelor’s Degree commenced.
In 1984,
some articles in “The Teachers’ Colleges Act, 1975” were revised and amended, not only for the benefit of better administration but also to undertake a broader range of responsibilities based on society’s needs. One of the most significant issues of the amendments to article 5 was that Teachers’ Colleges ware now required to offer other fields of study than just teacher education.
In 1985,
Nakhon Pathom Teachers’ College offered five new major fields of study in two-year undergraduate programmes; two Liberal Arts programmes including Journalism and Public Relations and Art and Design and three Science programmes including Food Science, Botany and Electronics.
In 1986,
a greater number of students in varying fields were admitted, and programmes were extended to the Bachelor’s Degree level for both full-time students and those in the in-service personnel programmes. A demonstration school (housed in “Building D3”) was founded for secondary-level students, and began with two classes of Matayom I (first-year of high school) offering English – Maths. The secondary school was managed simultaneously with the kindergarten school, which had been providing Kindergarten One and Kindergarten Two in a temporary building since 1979.
On 14th February 1992, His Majesty the king royally offered the name “Rejabhat Institute” to the Teachers’ Colleges.
On 25th January 1995, The Rajabhat Institutes Act was promulgated.
In 1997, “The Education for All” project (Kaw-Saw-Phaw-Paw) and a Master’s Degree certificate in teaching commenced.
In 1998,
an off-site instructional centre was established at Intertech Institute, Amphoe Sampran, Nakhon Pathom. A Master’s Degree in Education Administration was offered.
In 1999,
another instructional centre was established at Om Noi Sophon Chanupathom, Amphur Kratumbaen, Samutsakorn Province. Master’s Degree in Social Science for Development and Thai Studies were offered to students. The Centre of Tertiary Education Organization (Saw-Aw-Kaw-Paw) for in-service teachers also commenced.
In 2000,
the Centre of Tertiary Education Organization for Community Leaders (Saw-Aw-Chaw) commenced.
In 2003,
a joint programme was offered in cooperation with Samutsakorn Physical Education College.
In 2004,
His Majesty the King royally signed the Rajabhat University Act, which was promulgated under royal decree on 14 June 2004 in Government Gazette No. 121, section 23A, and enacted from 15 June 2004 onwards.
In 2005,
there were curriculum revision and modification. New curricula were also created as a preparation for the new academic year 2006, The structure of general education was adapted at this same time to make it comply with the standard of Office of the Higher Education Commission.
In 2006,
Two new degree-level programmes started : the Bachelor of Engineering (B. En) and the Bachelor of Public Administration (B.P. A ). An admission for overseas students from China and Vietnam took place for they could attend the 2 + 1 course. There are 60 Chinese students and 7 Vietnamese Students enrolled.
In 2007,
NPRU offered 3 more degree-level programmes : the Bachelor of Laws (LL.B), the Bachelor of Thai for Communication (B.Ed.) and the Bachelor of Cooperation for Community Development (B.Ed). More special courses for overseas students were also provided for students interested. About 179 Chinese and Vietnamese students registered and accomplished the courses of their interests. The special courses provided are according to the following details :
the 2 + 1 teacher education course for 58 Chinese students
the 2 + 2 teacher education course for 18 Chinese students
the 2 + 2 teacher education course for 18 Chinese students
- the 3 + 1 teacher education course for 32 Chinese students
- the1 + 3 teacher education course for 23 Chinese students
- the 2 + 1 teacher education course for 11 Chinese students
- the 1 + 3 teacher education course for 1 Chinese students
- the Thai language course for 163 Chinese students (a joint-attendant course with Thai students)
- the Thai language course for 10 Vietnamese students
- the financial management course (Finace and Banking) )for 6 Vietnamese students
In 2008,
NPRU expanded its capacity of local development by offering more degree-level education in 4 more
programmes, which were
- Industrial Chemistry
- Plant Science
- Civil Engineering
- Electronics Engineering
In 2009,
NPRU added more degree-level education in 7 programmes, which were
- Computer Technology for Industry
- Computer Technology
- Software Development
- Food Science and Technology
- International Business Management
- Logistics Management
- Nursing Science